Dear Customer,


We are happy to announce the launch of our new and enhanced TESY application MyTESY, which is now replacing the current TESY Cloud application and becomes the one and unified application for staying in touch with any smart TESY appliance.

MyTESY app comes with a new, fresh design, more functionalities and improvements, so you can control and monitor your TESY appliance from anywhere.

Take advantage of all features of MyTESY app to always be in touch with:

      TESY’s smart electric water heaters BelliSlimo Cloud and ModEco Cloud;

      TESY’s smart convectors FinEco Cloud, LivEco Cloud, HeatEco Cloud, ConvEco Cloud and FloorEco Cloud.

Using the new MyTESY app doesn’t require new registration, just use you tesy Cloud credentials to log into MyTESY app and all you appliances will appear there


Download MyTESY app for free and enjoy your TESY digital experience